Tag Archive for guest

Productivity rules

7 Easy Productivity Rules in the Workplace

It is essential to develop a friendly, yet productive working environment within your company. Happy employees are prolific and creative, and their engagement will exponentially grow once they are content with their work setting. Guest writer, Chris Richardson shares his seven productivity rules to ensure a smooth running workplace. Of course, everyone has different preferences, so you are never going… Read more →

business communications

8 Tips for Dramatically Improving Your Business Communications

Let’s face it; communication is the key to a successful business. Whether you’re talking to your boss, your colleagues, between departments or, more importantly, your customers, the way you present yourself, the way you talk and the way you write all had an effect on how you’re perceived and the message you’re trying to communicate. Whether you’re talking through a… Read more →

Digital companies get employee engagement

Why Digital Companies Get Employee Engagement Right

Employee engagement is an essential ingredient for businesses striving to improve performance and productivity. Certain companies, like Google and Dreamworks, are renowned for their ability to take care of employees and keep them passionate about their work. Digital technology is shaping our future – in this day and age, organisations should embrace modern tech to foster a convenient and user-friendly… Read more →

Remote teams

Building Culture in a Remote Team

A remote team (also known as a “distributed team”) operates completely independent of location. They don’t need to share the same office space, or even timezone, to get work done. Some remote teams have never even met their closest colleagues in person. Yet the suite of online tools, new management practices, and the amazing internet make work possible (and dare… Read more →