Heryati R

Heryati is a member of the customer success team at 6Q, and is based in Perth, Western Australia. Heryati enjoys writing, reading and live music. She believes 6Q is awesome for employee engagement surveys.
corporate culture

Insights into the Unique BMW Group Culture

The definition of corporate culture is the values, beliefs and attitudes that define a company. The attitude of the employees towards work reflects the strength of the company’s culture. A great example is the BMW Group culture. Founded in 1916, Bavarian Motor Works, also known as BMW, is a German luxury automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company. They are also… Read more →

employee motivation

Why Employee Motivation Is Important (& How to Improve It)

Employee motivation is a critical aspect at the workplace which leads to the performance of the department and even the company. Motivating your employees needs to be a regular routine. There are companies that sadly fail to understand the importance of employee motivation. Research shows that many companies have disengaged employees with low motivation; only 13% of employees are engaged at work (Gallup).… Read more →

low-cost employee perks

The ABCs to Low Cost Employee Perks for Your Employee to Enjoy

Not everyone has the luxury of spending lavishly on employee perks. We’ve written a list of low cost employee perks that will help you to attract and retain talent, and create a happy team. Other smaller companies would find enticing ways to attract and motivate employees with a wide range of perks designed to enhance individual effort. In some cases,… Read more →

human resource department

Why the Human Resource Department is Important

The role of human resource department has gone from the traditional ‘hire and fire’ to an in-depth position, focusing on another aspect of the company like looking after employee engagement. Not every company understands or values their human resource department. Human resources professionals are the lifeblood of the company, because their job is to ensure that the business gets the most out… Read more →