Tag Archive for annual employee survey

How Employee Pulse Surveys Can Benefit HR Managers

How Employee Pulse Surveys Can Benefit HR Managers

Employee pulse surveys have found their way firmly into the business world. Through organisational adoption, the ability to capture a quick snapshot into employee opinions, employee pulse surveys can benefit all areas of an organisation. As a HR manager, you should know how these surveys work and how exactly they’ll benefit your office. Being a fairly recent tool in which… Read more →

Annual employee surveys

5 Great Reasons why your Annual Employee Survey Sucks

Employee surveys are a very powerful tool. They help create dialogue, they can unveil issues within the workplace and surveys make respondents feel ‘heard’. So why does having an annual employee survey suck? This article explains. I was recently speaking to a colleague over coffee about her annual employee survey. I’ll call her Jane (I promised to protect you!). Jane… Read more →