Tag Archive for leadership skills

5 Ways to Take Your Leadership Skills up a Level While Working Remotely

5 Ways to Take Your Leadership Skills up a Level While Working Remotely

In this article, we look at five ways to take your leadership skills to the next level while working remotely. The sudden, enforced trend for home working that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic took a lot of companies by surprise, from the smallest local businesses to huge multinational conglomerates relying on translation and localisation services to connect with their global… Read more →

Great leadership

Top 20 Must-Have Qualities of a Great Leader – Secrets to Leadership

Leadership isn’t something you can just pick up in a class or by reading a chapter of a book. Great leaders will draw from both knowledge and experience, as well as their own personality traits. Some of these qualities may come easy to you, and others you need to constantly focus and work on, however you’ll find that these are the top… Read more →