Miles Burke

Miles is the founder of 6Q. He is passionate about peer-to-peer recognition, company culture, employee engagement and wants every workplace to be the happiest it can be. Miles is also MD of Bam Creative, an author and public speaker.
Diversity and equality

How We Encourage Diversity and Equality in Our Content Marketing

I’ve always been a strong advocate of diversity and equality, and I often ask myself what can I do to ensure our content marketing reflects this? This article outlines our process and thoughts, which we hope encourages discussion and awareness. If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you know we are very keen to encourage diversity and equality in… Read more →

Startup blogging

Blogging for Startups: How This Blog Earned Us $750k+ Worth of Traffic

As a self funded (bootstrapped) startup, we are very mindful how we spend our marketing dollars. It is the age old question of where to get ‘the best bang for our buck’. In this article, I explain why blogging for startups is such a powerful way to attract customers. In the last 12 months, 225,381 people visited this very blog,… Read more →

Deal with an underperforming employee

15 Effective Ways to Deal with an Underperforming Employee

If some of your team aren’t performing at their best, it can bring down morale and affect the overall goals of your business. It’s important, and fair, for both yourself and the underperforming employee, to find a solution to the issue. Every manager, at some point in their career with have to learn to deal with an underperforming employee. There… Read more →

delegate effectively

How to Delegate Effectively and Get More Done

Many entrepreneurs and managers don’t know how to delegate effectively, or aren’t willing to do it unless they absolutely necessary. They don’t realise that delegation is the major key to their own productivity. If you’re a manager, team leader or an entrepreneur, you must know that delegation is the single biggest factor in managing your own workload and keeping yourself… Read more →